package main import "" func deployCmd() *cobra.Command { var outter Outter cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "deploy", Aliases: []string{"d"}, Short: "deploy project to upyun", PreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { outter.Config = readConfigFile() config := outter.Config.Deploy switch config.Type { case UpyunDeploy: if !isCommandExist("upx") { if err := goInstall(""); err != nil { sfault("install upx failed: %+v", err) } } case GitDeploy: } // generate source if err := generateCmd().Execute(); err != nil { sfault("generate project failed: %v", err) } }, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { config := outter.Config.Deploy switch config.Type { case UpyunDeploy: if config.UpyunAuth == "" { serr("please config upyun auth string: upx auth [bucket] [operator] [password]") return } if err := uploadToUpyun(config.UpyunAuth); err != nil { serr("%v", err) return } sout("deploy to upyun success") } }, } return cmd }