73 lines
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73 lines
2.4 KiB
ui = {
icons = {
package_installed = "✓",
package_pending = "➜",
package_uninstalled = "✗",
ensure_installed = {},
automatic_installation = true,
-- a list of all tools you want to ensure are installed upon
-- start; they should be the names Mason uses for each tool
ensure_installed = {
-- if set to true this will check each tool for updates. If updates
-- are available the tool will be updated. This setting does not
-- affect :MasonToolsUpdate or :MasonToolsInstall.
-- Default: false
auto_update = true,
-- automatically install / update on startup. If set to false nothing
-- will happen on startup. You can use :MasonToolsInstall or
-- :MasonToolsUpdate to install tools and check for updates.
-- Default: true
run_on_start = true,
-- set a delay (in ms) before the installation starts. This is only
-- effective if run_on_start is set to true.
-- e.g.: 5000 = 5 second delay, 10000 = 10 second delay, etc...
-- Default: 0
start_delay = 15000, -- 3 second delay
-- Only attempt to install if 'debounce_hours' number of hours has
-- elapsed since the last time Neovim was started. This stores a
-- timestamp in a file named stdpath('data')/mason-tool-installer-debounce.
-- This is only relevant when you are using 'run_on_start'. It has no
-- effect when running manually via ':MasonToolsInstall' etc....
-- Default: nil
debounce_hours = 24, -- at least 5 hours between attempts to install/update